Early symptoms of ALS usually include muscle weakness or stiffness. Gradually all muscles under voluntary control are affected, and individuals lose their strength and the ability to speak, eat, move, and even breathe.
We awoke to some rain that our weather app initially said would end soon. Each time we looked at the weather app, instead of improving, the forecast became more ominous. The rain was just torrential and soon the thunder boomed and lightening lit up the sky. Our departure was delayed for about 2 hours. Although it was still raining, we just decided to go for it. I will admit I was anxious and fearful riding the narrow coastal roads in the rain but I thought of the anxiety and fear faced by ALS patients and their loved ones every day and was more determined to ride. I soon caught on that my goal for the morning was to give Charlie and his youthful enthusiasm a great deal of distance as he found great joy going through every puddle - which now seemed more like lakes. I was also surprised that the drivers that passed us were very gracious in giving us lots of distance.
We made it to the first water stop drenched and muddy but with surprising ease. It actually was a fun ride. Our planned stop was at the Maine Diner in Wells. I think we forgot how popular a diner with good breakfast food would be on Sunday morning. The parking lot was packed and the line to get in the door was huge. As I made my way into the ladies room I was getting so many side eye looks from the waiting patrons. On my way out, I decided to share with them what we were doing to try and convince them that I was not crazy enough to be out for a Sunday joy ride but was riding with determination for a good cause. The looks changed from concern for my mental health to appreciation and support. Back in the parking lot we witnessed a nominee for a Darwin award as he was trying to drive his huge pickup truck that was pulling a trailer through a very narrow opening of parked cars. Suffice it to say, it didn't go well as we quickly moved out bikes out of his line of fire.
With all of the rain and mud, we pulled another "audible". (our new word of the ride). Charlie and Steve were riding a mountain bike and a gravel bike and Susan and I were on ride bike with tiny tires. The original route called for over 15 miles on a dirt bike trail and another stretch on 2 inches of gravel that was recently placed to repair the path from storm damage. With some quick route navigating by the LG's Susan and I decided to reroute and stay on the roads while Steve and Charlie took off to find the real mud. They had a ball and were booking it and having fun. Susan and I hit some messy construction on route 9 and I had a rear tire flat just outside of Kennebunkport. Although it was not changes as fast as Gio and Steve could have done it, I did a pretty good job and Mark soon arrived to help with the finishing touches. Rose and Mark followed Susan and I and Doug was LG support for the "Tough Mudders". We felt super supported as our LG were great. At one point, we were stopped at an intersection trying to verify where to go and all of a sudden Rosie showed up and got us safely back on course. We made it to our second water stop and were thrilled to find David and Jillian Warner. They live outside of Portland and took off trying to find us. David must have Mark's instincts for finding Susan as they ended up behind us at an intersection and were able to follow us to the rest stop. Rosie, always keeping an eye on the weather soon shared that there were now tornado warnings forecasted in the area and we needed to start booking it to Bug Light Park.
One more audible was called and we took a short ride in the vehicles to avoid congestion on Route 1 and started out again on more of a coastal back road. With a small hiccup trying to find the entrance to Bug Light Park, we finally made it safe and sound and were reunited with the rest of the gang.
We rested for just a bit and loaded up the vehicles for the ride to our next overnight accommodations in Oxford, ME at David and Claire Behrens beautiful lake front home. Mark and Susan headed home to Ipswich as Susan had to work the next day. They will rejoin us in York for Day 4. David and Claire Behrens were also incredible gracious and welcoming hosts . We had a lovely chicken, broccoli and pasta dinner while the storms raged outside. Although we thought we might lose power, we did not and the tornado passed us by.
It is now early am and we are all up and indulging in a breakfast before we hit the road. Doug is saying his refrain of "Let's go, we are burning daylight!" So off we go. No time now to add photos but will do so later!!!
Thanks again for checking in on us and supporting our crazy adventures as we fight for a CURE!

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